
Monday, December 1, 2014

Get Some Rest

Are you tired? Yeah, me too.

Little stuff is going to feel like a bigger deal today. Patience might be brittle, feelings fragile, the future bleak or just blank. And we probably won't be the brilliant conversationalists we usually are.

Sometimes the fatigue is a physical ache.

Conversely, the morning after the first deep sleep in a long time, I feel like myself, and capable of anything. 

I wonder if it's like this in the spiritual realm: in order to be fully awake to what God is doing in our lives, we also need deep rest. 

Rest from trying to control our circumstances. Rest from earning approval and managing our images. Rest from chasing significance; even rest from hard spiritual labor. Time to stretch out, curl up, flop over onto the belly, and pause the earnest prayers, the in-depth study, the faithful-servant acts. To deeply rest in His arms as my baby rests in mine: still at last, just breathing in and out, smiling groggily up at our God.

"Come to Me, all you who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest."

I don't know if God is going to give you a good night's sleep or a chance to nap today. He doesn't always precede our productivity with rest (gonna have to have a talk with Him about that.)

But He does promise to be sufficient for what you're going through - even the suffering of fatigue. If it helps, He's been exhausted too. He gets it.

If nothing else, we can take the rest He is always offering us: rest from sin, the heartbreaking evil without and within, and rest from trying to earn His smile. God is already smiling down at you, full of understanding, bursting with love. May He be your rest today.

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